SLUSH17 – SLUSH100 startup inbound sales analysis
SLUSH100 pitch competition is going on. What do the startups in the competition tell about the startup scene? Is it all about B2B SaaS?
We analysed the SLUSH100 pitch competition startups by visiting their website. We analyzed the companies in four categories: Offering type, Price plans, target customer and primary call to action. Below you can find the results. For more information visit our booth at SLUSH17 on Thursday or Friday.
The Results of our Startup Online Sales Analysis
One thing that unites successful SaaS companies is an effective inbound sales funnel. For this you need (among many other thinks) open and clear price plans and CTAs to try or sign-up for the product or service. From the SLUSH100 startup analysis results we see that there are still things to do regarding price plans & productization (value proposition) and automated sign-up / trial (value reacognition).
For more information about the analysis, visit Pilvi booth at SLUSH17.
3 Tips for a SaaS Startups online sales
- Landing page: What is your value proposition one-liner? What is your CTA (what do you want your site visitor to do)?
- Price plans: Make your pricing visible. Typically 3-4 price plans work best. Customise your price plans based on your target user (forget the free, basic, pro and enterprise naming). Use customised CTA:s plans (Start Now, Buy Now, Create your first.., etc.)
- Automated Sign-up: When your potential customer has found you, continues browsing from the landing page and is interested in prices, the last thing to do is to convert it to a customer. Make it possible for the visitor to sign-up, try the demo or at least provide a video from the software.
Pilvi helps SaaS companies in building effective inbound sales
Looking forward to meet you during SLUSH17. We’re there to help SaaS companies in trial, onboarding and online sales automation. Just contact us to fix a meeting or come to talk during the event.
Take a look on our catalog of Finnish SaaS software here.